Gallwch adael y wefan hon yn gyflym drwy wasgu’r fysell Escape Allanfa Gyflym
Rydym yn defnyddio rhai cwcis hanfodol i wneud i’n gwefan weithio. Hoffem osod cwcis ychwanegol fel y gallwn gofio eich dewisiadau a deall sut rydych yn defnyddio ein gwefan.
Gallwch reoli eich dewisiadau a gosodiadau cwcis unrhyw bryd drwy glicio ar “Addasu cwcis” isod. I gael rhagor o wybodaeth am sut rydym yn defnyddio cwcis, gweler ein Hysbysiad cwcis.
Mae eich dewisiadau cwcis wedi’u cadw. Gallwch ddiweddaru eich gosodiadau cwcis unrhyw bryd ar y dudalen cwcis.
Mae eich dewisiadau cwcis wedi’u cadw. Gallwch ddiweddaru eich gosodiadau cwcis unrhyw bryd ar y dudalen cwcis.
Mae’n ddrwg gennym, roedd problem dechnegol. Rhowch gynnig arall arni.
Diolch am roi cynnig ar fersiwn 'beta' ein gwefan newydd. Mae'n waith ar y gweill, byddwn yn ychwanegu gwasanaethau newydd dros yr wythnosau nesaf, felly cymerwch gip a gadewch i ni wybod beth yw eich barn chi.
A series of recent shoplifting offences in Wrexham resulted in a man being jailed and a woman issued with a community order yesterday.
Layton Vallance, 24, of Pen y Bryn, Wrexham was jailed for six months yesterday after committing a series of offences over two days in Wrexham last week.
He appeared at Wrexham Magistrates Court on Monday, November 27th where he admitted one count of burglary and three offences of theft from a shop.
The total value of items stolen from three stores, including laundry products, alcohol and vapes, came to more than £420. He also stole two charity boxes from a fuel station after breaking a window to get in.
In addition to the jail sentence, Vallance was also ordered to pay more than £300 in compensation.
Oliwia, Pieczkowska, 19, of Albert Street, Wrexham, who also appeared at Wrexham Magistrates Court yesterday was handed a community order and must carry out 80 hours of unpaid work within the next 12 months.
It came after she admitted four shoplifting offences that took place within the city centre between October 14th and November 25th, with the total amount of stolen items valued at more than £1,000.
She was ordered to pay £185 in compensation and a £114 surcharge fee.
Following another retail theft in Wrexham on October 19th, a man was charged yesterday in connection with the incident.
He was remanded on conditional bail until his hearing at Wrexham Magistrates Court next month.
Wrexham City Inspector Heidi Stokes said: “Tackling retail crime is a priority in Wrexham, and we will continue to support that by robustly dealing with shoplifters.
“The impact of shoplifting on businesses can not be underestimated and it is not a victimless crime. Not only can it have a detrimental impact on staff, but the cost of theft also inevitably gets passed on to other members of the public.
“We will continue to identify offenders and bring them before the courts.”